2022 AM Wings_Mono Negative

Reply to sender: Mike responds to more emails from fans


Team Principal Mike Krack's 'Mike on...' columns have been delivered to inboxes of I / AM members throughout the 2023 Formula One season. At the end of the busy year, there's just enough time for him to read the replies...

Mike has covered a lot of ground in his column: upgrades and race strategy; his hobbies; dramatic races such as a breathless Qatar Grand Prix and the inaugural Las Vegas Grand Prix; and his love for pancakes.

At the end of the season, Mike made use of a few free minutes to open his laptop and reply to emails from I / AM members.

Watch the video below to see how Mike reacted to the replies, and join I / AM to get even closer to the team and enjoy more exclusive content.

Mike reads your replies

Mike on 'Mike on...' | End of 2023 season

Before signing off from 2023, Mike brings the festive cheer as he reacts to I / AM members' replies to his exclusive 'Mike On...' emails, discussing everything from his karting plans during the winter to purchasing a new web domain...

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